Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Man Tasered While Holding Newborn

from ABCNews.com

In Texas, a father was Tasered by security guards while holding his newborn daughter. Apparently the father and mother felt mistreated by the hospital staff and demanded to leave. Security guards stopped the couple at the elevators, where it was stated that the man was aggitated and belligerent. Sensors worn by the newborn and parents deactivated the elevators, part of the security system, preventing the couple from leaving. The video shows the man holding the baby in his right arm, while his is voicing his opinion. Soon, two security guards appear, talk with the man and then Taser him. The father falls off camera and dropped the baby. Now the parents say the child has problems from the event. Hospital staff stated that the man never truly gave his relationship to the baby so they remained guarded against him leaving witht the child. The Child Protective Services has custody of the child due to the couples' previous domestic violence history.

WOW! Was it necessary to taser the man with the baby in his hands? The exits were already deactivated, they weren't going anywhere! Amazing!

Read the whole story and see the video HERE.

Line Rider

Here is a highly addictive game called "Line Rider". Build a track with the line segments and click the play button to see the rider test out your track. Use the hand symbol to move the canvas and create a longer track. Press "H" on the keyboard for more help options. Enjoy, but make sure you don't have anything to do for a while!

Line Rider